(Page is a chronological record of my Electric S-10 Blazer - EV
(more images to be uploaded later)

I turned my PFC-20 loaner in for the PFC-50 which was made for me.
Tremendous power ability:. on 204 VAC at 30amp AC into the PFC-50
I was getting 36.6 amps DC into my pack at 150VDC. 30 amps AC i
s the most one should draw from the AVCON charging units. Mre than
that will trip the host's breaker (not a good thing to do!).

But at an RV park 220VAC 50 amp outlet, you can crank the PFC-50
all the way up to its maximum output. My pack was only 30 amp hours
out of 100 down. I was getting 72 amps into my pack at 150VDC while
drawing the maximum of 50 amps 220 VAC. The pack charged so fast
the pack voltage rose to above 153 VDC and the PFC-50 started to
taper its output current. Truely this is a high powered charger.
receieved a PFC-20 loaner to use while the PFC-50 is being developed.
I have tested it throughly on 120VAC and 208 to 240VAC. It is a
rock solid design, and has many features that make it well worth
the price. It is for all practical purposes two chargers in one.
It can charge from 90 to 240VAC. It has a knob to let you dial in
what charging current your want. Other chargers do not let you do
this, and this feature is very usefull when sharing an outlet with
another load or desiring a slow charge.
PFC-20 limits your output to 20 amps. I get 21 on a totally depleated
pack at 130 VDC. But as the pack surface voltage rises to 150VDC
the output current tapers to 20.
The power factor correction (ergo the model name PFC) is superior.
A fluke 40 reading has it at 97.5% This is excellent and it puts
the power to the pack rather than wasting half on heat, like a bad-boy,
K&W BC-20, or Zivan charger.
The power factor correction also let you use this charger with
the public AVCON charging heads. Currently the evi ics-200 AVCON
charging units are what is installed at these locations. You can
'only' use a power factor correct charger with these units, else
the units will wrror out and shut power down. But the PFC-20 works
I have sold my sold my Solectria BC1600, K&W BC20, and
one of my Zivan K2 120 VAC chargers. I now have a Zivan NG5 220
VAC, two Zivan K2 220 VAC, and two Zivan K2 120 VAC chargers that
are fed AC from the front grill. I have put my $2500 down as a deposit
for a http://manzanitamicro.com
PFC-50 charger. I will changing out my 22 T145 Trojan batteries
for 22 US145 batteries. I still use my AVCON adapter to charge from
available public AVCON charging sites.
I now live in a motorhome and have moved from Sunnyvale to Redwood
City. I put a tow bar on my blazer, and have towed my blazer to
Sacramento for the EVAA ETI conference. I have charged my Blazer
off my motorhome's on board 5.2 kw LP fueled Generac generator.
Generators are typically over rated by 50%, and this was confirmed
by using the rented generator at the various NEDRA Electric Drag
Races, and now off my on board generator. Instead of 10 amps going
into my pack, I only got 5 amp when charging off my LP 5.2 kw Generac
connected to my Zivan K2 120 VAC charger.
All chargers outputs are in parallel. The 132 VDC pack is not split.
The pack is 22 US145 batteries, 8 in front & in the rear. (diagram).
Most positive and negative battery terminals are in the front pack.
Since it is a wet-cell pack, I do not have or need wires to each
battery. Charging current is controlled by the computer chip in
each charger sensing the surface voltage.
The NG5 & two K2 220 VAC Zivan
are mounted in the rear where the tank was. Mike Slomonski routed
two 120 VAC power cords and SB50 pack connections to the top of
the rear battery pack. I will have 120 VAC charger access from top
and use built in 220 VAC charging from underneath. From the front
grill, the AC inlets are:

(5-15) (5-15) (5-15) -chevy logo- (6-15) (6-15) (6-15)
-battery warmers and rear duplex receptacle
-right rear inline receptacle (top rear)
-left rear inline receptacle (top rear)
-NG5 220 VAC charger (bottom rear)
-K2 220 VAC charger (bottom rear)
-K2 220 VAC charger (bottom rear)